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Papon Srisanong 58070503038 CHE

My perspective to the society.

Image result for functionalismIn my personal believe the most suitable theory for observing society is functionalism. Because functionalism holds that society is a complex system whose various parts work together to produce stability, equilibrium and solidarity[1]. However, when there is an exist of fault or defect in any part of a complex system which make their society unstable, every parts of complex system have to tune or adapt themselves to produce the stability of their society again. Therefore, to control and stabilize the society, there have to be alteration and modification of the system all the time. For example, everybody in the company work and live their lives differently to improve their personal lives and their company but, when there's a crisis everybody will be harmonized and adopt themselves to overcome the problem for sustaining their lives and their company.
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However, in the big society like the nation and global only functionalism may not effective enough to describe how society works because there are too many layers of societies that comprised to be the nation or global with each society have their own characteristic, believes and different background which leads to an inequalities. For this reason other sociological theory like Marxism is a better choice for observing the nowadays society. Because Marxism proposed that people will fight for themselves for the equality[2] as for common example are capitalism and communism regimes in different countries.
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In order that, based on my perspective each sociology theory can not ensure and be used for observation to the society for 100% due to there's many layers of societies in the real world. The combination of sociology theories is the better choice to describe and observe what society works as I explained earlier with functionalism and Marxism.Also based on my perspective in every different society there's one thing that in common, that is people will do everything to survive and maintain their status what ever it takes and what ever it costs even using dark arts of survival .

Let's get know more about me.

Image result for hydrogen fuel cell carsHello, my name is Papon or you can call me as Keng. I'm a chemical engineering student that very interested in cars and the alternatives energy . I'm always follow the news and the direction of the trend of the upcoming engine for the  the vehicles to save our environment, as everybody know today it is electric especially plug in chargable cars. However,  in my opinion electric plug-in vehicle seems not ideal for today because it's hardly reduce the fossil fuels consumption, the way the plug-in cars is just to change the type of fuel from petrol to coal to produce electricity and I think Hydrogen are more flexible and plentiful that I wish someday in the future I will introduce my own technology about hydrogen technology to the world with those big companies. Although, I like to read and research the new cars technology I also interested in the classic and the vintage cars especially European cars from the 80s. Because in my opinion the 80s European cars introduce the new wave of cars design and performance especially utilitarian like normal family saloon and hatchback cars are not just for family only but they can also be a track cars with superb handling and performance like the Ford Fiesta XR2 etc.
Image result for ford fiesta xr2Okay, I know it's some kind of boring  to talk only about cars to the reader. Well let's get back to sociology knowledge things about me. I admit that I am not the man that read a lot about the philosophy and the administration, but one thing that I'm interest is the existence of the royal families around the world during the globalization. Because on my observation if you look carefully to the existence of the royal families, they tech us about how to survive and beloved by surrounded people who has power to overthrow them for example they live their lives with respectfulness, caring, leadership and flexibility under any circumstances and to those royal conservative rules and the modern government  etc.Lastly, my expectation to Thai society is everybody is focus and do their best on what they do with kindness, respect and harmony to each other. Because my Thai society has been split up for decades which effect to the national development and increase the inequalities in the society. So for every Thai, let's move forward for our futures.

Memorable from GEN421

In this class every topic was very interesting and open my mind wider and here 3 best topics by me.
Image result for critical thinking gif1.Critical thinking - This topic  let me think and analyse the situation in different way compare with before the class e.g. when judging some situation I'll start to question myself and try to explain by surrounding evidence and my own experience and try to come up with my own proposal rather than listen and follow others opinion and assume it to be true or finish as before. 

2.Feminism - This topic is open up my mind that feminism is not only a sort of feminine and women, but it is exactly about the equality the rights of human that difference in their gender and external appearance. For feminism it is no need that you have to hate  men or masculine or try to transfer the power from men to women, but feminism is aim to reduce the inequality and disadvantage as well as believes and attitudes that generates by the difference of gender, nationalities etc. Lastly, being feminism is not complicate even men can be feminist

Image result for feminism
3.Human rights and refugees - This topic is change my attitude toward refugees that it is unfair to me to share my national resources with those foreigners. But after the class I just thought that they are just normal human like me and I am not higher or have more special than them as a native nationalities. To becomes refugee it has to be some serious problems occur with their lives in their hometown, so refugees are very pitiable and we should give them the equality of human and not to discriminate them .
Image result for refugee

Me on the inequalities.

Image result for sociology inequality
There are many kinds of inequalities that affect to the people lives in this country,  as categorized by[3] as socio-political inequality, economic inequality and health inequality. Based on social and quality of life database system[4] it is observed that there's a big gap of inequalities of people in the cities and country side due to the facilities in the country side are more difficult to access with higher cost than in the cities while gross income of people in country side are many times lower than the city. In my opinion based on my observation, the major social inequality that effect the society is economic inequality.
 Economic and financial are very important factor not only for macro-scale economy , but also in micro-scale economy such as households because money gives everybody a power of purchase moreover, it can indicate the social stratum as well. Up to this point  the person who has a lot of money is unavoidability to have more power than normal citizens and this may lead to an acquisition of state power maybe in the form of election or corrupted public project such as education and infrastructures. For this reason if the elected or empowered person has a good vision about national development and realize with human basic equality such as welfare state there’s nothing to worry about another kind of inequalities that would follow, but if he or she is not stop to acquisite for the power there will be another kind of inequalities occur such as education, public health, transportation, , justice etc. Hence, economic inequality not only reduce life qualities and development of the citizens , but also the motive to overthrow the democracy regime .
Related imageA basic example of the economic inequality discrimination can be seen in many shopping mall’s car park in Bangkok. There’s usually a prime space with posh colour near the gate that reserved only for super luxury cars. It is no doubt  that shopping mall can do without any permission and it’s not against any law , but it is stated clear that the shopping mall is discriminate  their customer by the price of the vehicles. Every time I see this space with the flamboyant wheels I just talk to myself that why didn’t my father study harder so he could buy an expensive cars then every time we go shopping we can park in an exclusively preserved space with a nice treat of the security guards rather than keep looking for the space in an vast ocean of cars.

If I can contribute the way social works.

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On my point of view the present world is full of conflicts and violence which cause from the disagreements of human, believes for instance.  Human believes are the source of many things that existing today such as science and arts[5] which includes racism, crisis and many many things. Since young, teachers and parents are convey an education to children which is the part to move human to have scientific improvement, but they also convey their biases, irrational and fear to children which is the part that moves humanity to violence . Sometimes those biases or irrationals are stick with children for their life. 
Related imageSo if I can contribute to change the way society works, I would separate the biases and irrationals completely out of the education and rather convey them with the biases I would suggest to introduce children the sociology theory of functionalism and feminism. Because functionalism holds the society as a complex system where everybody works together to produce stability society and can be alternated and modified all the time while the feminism is hold the equality of human in different gender, races and nationalities. So if my plan is work we can reduce conflicts and violence in the next generation significantly because everybody is focus on improving and developing their society  based on their major and duty as long as respect the human equality of each other.


  1. Functionalism. (n.d.). Retrieved April/May, 2018, from
  2. McLellan, D. T., & Chambre, H. (2018, January 02). Marxism. Retrieved May/June, 2018, from
  3. การประชุมวิพากษ์ยุทธศาสตร์การวิจัยรายประเด็น: - การคุ้มครองสิทธิมนุษยชน- การลดความเหลื่อมล้ำ. (n.d.). Retrieved fromยุทธศาสตร์การวิจัยความเหลื่อมล้ำและการคุ้มครองสิทธิมนุษยชน NRCT 17.11.59bb (1).pptx
  4. รายงานการวิเคราะห์สถานการณ์ความยากจน และความเหลื่อมล้ำในประเทศไทย 2559. (n.d.). Retrieved May/June, 2018, from รายงานความยากจนฯ 2559.pdf
  5. Barrett, G. (2016). Ireland and its Referendums: Why We Have Them, What We Do with Them, How We Conduct Them. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2784213


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