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A theoretical perspective that they believe is best for observing society.


The world was changed by the time and not only the theory, physical, or virtual would changed. But there're one thing also changed, that's social. People moved around to do what they want and where they would be. People always try to climbed up to get on their goals, but they are going to step on others people along those way. There are a groups that always be a prey which I means to sexual equality in society. Dozens of sexual problem happened around the world in mode of inequality and harassment. From observation, Female have more than a male about 80% of the world population, but why this 80% can only act like less of population in the world.In nowadays, sexual inequality is the biggest problem and most problem that happened in society and a lot of people concern about it. For sexual inequality depends on sexual difference including men, women, bisexual, and transgender. Thailand and almost every country have same critical thinking on sex and gender that female and LGBT should accept ideas of men and be in social as subordinate who can't bring their own idea and action to show up to the world.

As you can see on social media, news and society about sexual. Most of them came out with racist, sarcasm, disparagement, impenetrability and unequal. I didn't say that only women had got unequal, but i means every sex and gender got unequal. We should bring it to be sexual equality for every sex and gender for every people.
(inequality by social experiment)

Adults nowadays are beginning to create inequalities in the social cohesion of sexual abuse, regardless of gender. This is not a behaviour or habit. But to survive in the society of the present. If we change the mind of people in the society to be in the beginning is the child. Will the society change? People can act what they want and be what they would, but should stay on

human rights and freedom without crossing the line.
Have you seen any situation make you think that is unfair? There are a lot of this kind of situation in nowadays. You can see in any public areas that

(kids survey of sexual abuse)
(sexual equality experiment with kids)

Society should accept and give an equal to every sex and gender no matter if it's men, women, bisexual, or transgender. Everyone is equal, then this is why social bring feminism to help on solving problem about sexual inequality and make better society.
(speech on gender equality)

An introduction of myself on my passion, professional interests, and dreams.

As everyone should know about basic of each other before knowing their opinion. My name is Sitanun Pojchananupap and known me as Cartoon. I'm 19 years old who study in sophomore year in department of interior architecture at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi. While I study in this department, I'm interesting in disabilities people in sight and hearing peoblem. This is a group of people that we never give an attention and do them a favor, and every most of them was found a problem when walked in the city and publication. Before I got this passion, I have one relative uncle who are deaf and he can lives on his own, but sometimes social bullies him by an action and convenience things. I need to help this group of people in some way to make their life better. One of my doing for this passion to get more understanding in this group are "stay closer" and "study their own language which I mean belle alphabet and hand sign". There are 30% of whole population is disabilities people, but we done with them as no one. This is most problem in social that we should take care and help them. For my department can only develop on the way of living and better consuming in every way. From my observation, disabilities people including a deaf, blind and mute can lives and stay like a normal people, but the problem is understanding between people. It could be interest if we can bring any media that this group of people can understand to be in social and publication. Change normal to be more extraordinary for every type of human.
In nowadays, There are a lot of media that recognise and present about group of people who have problem with sight, hearing, and speaking by supporting this group in many ways such as work, habitation, and living. But it's only advertise and media, if you look more and give an attention on it, you will find nothing happened for helping or supporting this group. It just social survival and social hierarchy to be biggest and most powerful. So, It's problem that I would to fix by letting everyone see and take care them as everyone. My dreams is social development to make social more accept than ever been. Everybody have same own rights and freedom, but why they never get it in fair. I would like to cultivate values of people to have more understanding and acceptation. Consequently, my dreams is school and organisation with three language of disabilities. I want people to relate and stay closer with this group, not only build people centre, but for special in normal. I want this group of people have ability to live in the present society without daily life problem, but also concept of making normal people to look and see this group as normal people, no special and difference.
(blind with social experiment)
(deaf in social experiment)

Reflective after the class.

I have learnt many things from society and also this class.
Culture, Feminism, and human rights and refugees are most memorable and can take this to use in daily life.
I know more about each culture in each countries. Many countries bring culture from other country to make their own symbolic. Every countries have same based before change to be themselves.
Holi (festival of color in India)

Songkarn day (Thai New year)

For example from above, It's Holi festival and Songkarn day. They are New year celebrated which show in different way of using material. Holi festival is festival of color which pour color to each other, in contrast, Thai people would pour water. This class taught me to accept others before judging by its cover. Everything have story before it happened. To understand and respect each others are main idea to be in social with happiness

And for Feminism, It would be good if it naturally know by everyone and brings it to social to get more understanding about feminism and sexual equality. I can brings or make some poster to promote sexual equality, maybe campaign or workshop in public. It would be better if it can show in social media, because most of people interested in social media and spend most time on it, they can see easier and understandable about it. For myself and I will start with nearby area and people which means family and neighbourhood to understand about sexual.
Last topic on human rights and refugees, There is only one way to bring this topic to have more benefit, is accept and give honor to each other.

I have learnt a lot about inequalities and I think it's most part that come to affect our life.
It can affect in the way of living when you're in public and social, because it can brings one life to have more values and other one life to have no values. Every people should have equal human rights and freedom to stay in social. When someone can be good, others one also can climb up to follow them and be good. So this thing make social standard change immediately, and also life quality's going to be unequal. The result that we receive from others and outside will act to us in different ways.

I have been discriminated many times since I was in elementary school until today when I walk to outside. From first time I was discriminated, I want to be a class leader, then I told my teacher, but I got bad words back about female and male should be. Women can't be leader as men do. And sometimes I was done by people who have same sex, just because I'm not good as others. It brings me by exploit and insult what I am. Somehow there is one time I would never ever deleted from my head. It happened when I studied in grade 12 and I just finished from school and standing in the bus. There are many people at that time and it let me to standing instead of sitting. I felt weird and I saw something under my skirt that is a camera. I was shock about it and stand still for a while, later I was back and try to touch him and told, but he was aware and ran way down from the bus. At the moment, I felt like I'm nothing in the world. I am confused, angry, and want to cry. I don't know why female always have been discriminated in the worst way. They just think that weaker people can't face up and do what they want. That is my first time that I stood up for sexual equality. When I saw some inequalities, I would walk to them and tell how it should be.

It's not only me who have been discriminated, but I also seen others who have been discriminated by other people, especially in public areas and crowded areas. You can see clearly in media as news, social media, or newspaper. Only men can have a right to vote or speak and also men have more reliability than women. Higher rank always gone by men, because the concept of men are stronger and be leader than women. It brings comparison to social. When women want to speak, they always was negate, because of the values of women about weak and housewives.

From experience I was, I feel tight, uncomfortable, and ashamed about social and the world that named as perfect thing in the universe. Why people do this to people, In spite of, We are the same. This is what I feel and think along this inequalities situation.

As I see the world, the ability to change and influence people is hard and no ways to do. Only ways can do are physical ways which I mean power, spiritual and time given/So the change in society can be brought about altering people's behaviour which can be done by one, telling people about society, but this step lead very low on effectiveness, two is "tell people not do certain things which might attract social", three is "give them certain incentives to their alter behaviour", fourth is most powerful to bring surrounded people to follow, is be the change or be the odd in crowd. People must get inspired and emulate by "Be the change you want to see in the world".  Last idea on develop society is find your greatest ideal and follow them as well.These step can change people and society, but not immediately and in a big group. It's going to develop slowly in efficiently ways.



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