Theoretical perspective
The world has not changes much but the changes is human
mind. From studying in the lecture I’m learned the importance topic that affect
to me a lot is ‘‘Functionalism’’ because on
my research, Functionalism interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society. Society
is more than the sum of its parts; rather, each part of society is functional
for the stability of the whole. Everyone on social have
own role and responsibility. But in Thailand social functionalism is not do a well work because
weakness of this theory is rapid change and irresponsibility. It make unbalance to society and bring inequalities to the social.
My name is Phan Thunyaphol . I am 22 years old. I have finish from Assumption Collect Thonburi school and now I am a junior year student in King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. I am study faculty of School of Information Technology in the department of Computer Science.
My point is want to help the world that full of inequalities. i want to see a world is a better place than we live. every one can live with happiness and no corruption. every people have a right to do a right thing with out a trouble to every one else. by using my knowledge of Media.
My point is want to help the world that full of inequalities. i want to see a world is a better place than we live. every one can live with happiness and no corruption. every people have a right to do a right thing with out a trouble to every one else. by using my knowledge of Media.
1. How do these inequalities affect your life in Thai society and/or the world?
Inequality very effect to my life special on
Thai social. Because Thai social structure is rank of power that
people have, so I’m just a normal student that don’t have any power to convert
or talking to a high rank in social. Even the law that I can’t be sure that can
save me. That inequality.
2. Have you ever been discriminated against? Explain
Yes, I have once. In the country that if you have a money
and a little help of someone who have a rank and power. You will be a giant in
an ant town. Once I have to waiting in queue for a 3 hours for buying a concert
ticket but then something happen I saw a group of people have a ticket already.
I’m so confuse the time that ticket sold is 09.00 am but that time is 08.20 am.
How they get a ticket so fast. And I’m did not get a ticket because it sold out.
The last queue that get a ticket is the man that waiting in front of me. That why
I feel I have been discriminated against.
3.Have you ever seen an act of injustice or discrimination? Explain.
Yes. In the Justice that everyone know they can reach .
But the truly inequality make them can’t reach because of discrimination. That mean
poor people have a little chance because they don't have a money to pay in a
process. so many case that money be a god of all things. That seem happen in Thailand
4. How did these experience make you feel?
It make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe to live because
of inequality in Thai Society.
It not mentioned by people as they seem it a common things in they life. Thus, one they should learn about the inequality that make unsafe to everyone and how to response inequality action that effects to their life. let them see that inequality is not a common things to do.
It not mentioned by people as they seem it a common things in they life. Thus, one they should learn about the inequality that make unsafe to everyone and how to response inequality action that effects to their life. let them see that inequality is not a common things to do.
3 topics covered in the class were most memorable?
- Critical Thinking
- Feminism
- Human Rights and Refugees
3 topics that most memorable for me. I got a new point of view, alternative way of thinking. Specially on Feminism topic that i can see a clearly social structure on the world truly be.
Contribute to changing the way society
In the way of culture and society
now is hard way to change but it better than no way. In my point of view, the
most important things that need to change first is conscious. By using
multimedia or soft media to solve the problem. Now days all people use a social
media wildly the boy from West side of the world can talk with the girls from
East side of the world. So we can drive social positive conscious to make a
changes to the old conscious of society. With a good content to improve cultivate
a good consciousness to people next generation.
This video shows you if you have an opportunity
to keep it will you do it ?
That is how multimedia work in society
to make people thinking
Osotimehin, B. (2012, November 14). Young
People Have the Power to Change the World. Retrieved from
Ghosh, J. (2013, February 20). Inequality is
the biggest threat to the world and needs to be tackled now | Jayati Ghosh.
Retrieved from
T. (2017, August 22). #ถ้ามีโอกาสจะรักษามันไว้
[Official HD] ไทยประกันชีวิต ThaiLife Insurance.
Retrieved from
Phan Thunyaphol 58130500254 CS@SIT
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